
Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out

This past Sunday at Timber Ridge, we talked about how everyone has a story. (You can watch the message online here.) You and I have a story about our life - where we've been, what we've done, what we've learned - it's all a part of our unique story.  And if you are a follower of Jesus, then a major part of your story is how Jesus has changed your life.  Sharing the story of how Jesus has impacted our lives is something every Christian is called to do.

I wanted to follow up yesterday's message with some tips & tactics on how you can get comfortable sharing your story and how you can talk about your faith in Jesus without freaking out.

  • Get comfortable sharing your own story.
    • You story should include 3 things:  Life before you met Jesus, how you came to a relationship with Jesus, and the difference Jesus has made in your life.
    • Make sure you make Jesus the center & hero of your story...because He is!
    • Be able to share what Jesus has done in your life in 3 minutes or less.
    • Practice sharing the message with a friend so you get comfortable with it.
  • Pray for people you know who don't have a relationship with Jesus.
    • Always talk to God about your friends & neighbors before you talk to your friends & neighbors about God!
  • Invest in relationships with people who don't know Jesus.
    • Jesus was accused of being a friend of sinners.  Are you?
  • Speak up & share your story.
    • All the preparation in the world doesn't matter if you never step out in boldness and tell your friends & neighbors about how Jesus has changed your life & how He wants to impact them as well.
God has given you everything you need to help people connect with Jesus!  Go for it!


The Force Is Strong In This One

This guy has some time on his hands.  


YOU Have A Part

Yesterday at Timber Ridge we kicked off a brand new series called A Place For Everyone.  (More info on the series HERE.) It's a series about how the church should be a place where everyone has a part, everyone has a story, and everyone is welcome.  I'm excited about what God is going to do through this series as we lead up to Easter Sunday.

Yesterday's message was called Everyone Has A Part and we talked about why Jesus asks us to serve others and how we all have something to contribute (you can watch the message HERE).  The truth is this:  We were created to serve God and serve others.  In Ephesians 2, the Bible says that "we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."  In 1 Peter 4, the Bible says that "each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others."  Simply put:  God created YOU and gifted YOU to serve.

God has given every single one of us gifts, talents, abilities, and experiences that we can use to serve others and help people connect with Jesus.  It's so easy to think we have nothing to add or lack something to contribute.  But that's not the case!  God has given YOU a gift and ability to use to make a lasting impact on those around you.  YOU have something to contribute!  YOU have a part in changing the world!


Diggin' Is Fun!

I spent much of the last week away from home, traveling for various work and ministry related things.  So when I got home last Thursday afternoon, I had dedicated the evening to one thing:  having fun with my son.  I promised Hayden that when Dadda got home we would play in the backyard.  We played bubbles, chasing bubbles all around the yard.  We played catch.  Then I had the bright idea to open up a bag of sand laying in the back yard, create a mound of dirt, and get out two essentials to quality guy time with a two year old: shovels & dump trucks.  The picture below is the result.  In the midst of digging and hauling dirt, Hayden looked up at me and said, "Dadda, Diggin' is FUN!"  Yes.  Yes it is.