Dear Timber Ridge Family,
I love this time of year – holiday parties, Christmas trees, hot chocolate and the spirit of generosity that seems to swell up in our society. There’s something about peace on earth and goodwill towards men that makes me think about other people a little more than usual.
This month, I’m inviting everyone connected to Timber Ridge Church to participate in our annual Christmas Offering called My Best Gift. This is the time of year where we put feet to our faith – where we show our community and our world the love of Jesus. The idea here is that as we buy gifts for other people, we want our largest, most extravagant gift to go to Jesus. This year, we’ve set our BIGGEST GOAL EVER and we will only be able to reach it if we all join in together to accomplish this mission.
Our goal for this special Christmas offering is $15,000.
Here’s how 100% of the funds will be used:
School Construction in Vietnam: We are partnering to serve and share God’s love in Vietnam. We’ll be sending a team to our adopted school, Hau Thao, in Sapa, Vietnam in March and these funds will cover the construction project they will work on.
Church Planting: We plan to continue to be aggressive in our church planting efforts, using our My Best Gift funds to continue to fund our plants in Toronto and in Marshall, TX and help more churches start in 2014.
On December 15, 2013, we will receive the My Best Gift Offering during our weekend services. If you’re going to be out of town on December 15, or if you’d like to go ahead and donate now, you can do that now online by clicking here. It’s safe, secure and simple to use. If you give online, please be sure to put “My Best Gift” in the note/memo section.
Please pray about participating and jump in with us. God has given us a great mission, and we’re blessed to be able to join Him in reaching our community for Christ and advancing the Gospel around the world.
Pastor Nic