
One of those "Wow" Videos...

I know that two posts in one day is really out of the ordinary here lately, especially this late at night, but I just came across this video and had to post it...A great sattirical look at how spoiled so many teenagers and adults are and how great our lives are...This is filmed from an Austalian teen perspective, but it can easily be applied to American teens and Americans in general...The next time you think you have it bad, actually consider what else is going on in the world...Then be thankful for what you have...And then use what you have to actually do something about what is going on in the world around you...Anyway, here is the video...Check it out...

1 comment:

J-walker-L said...

Amen to the 'commercialization' venting! Do you feel that taking a secular song, changing a few words to make it 'Christian' (which is sooo easy to do with some)is copying and lacking in originality? (Obviously these songs would not be recorded or used illegally in any way, but used in worship services) I find that taking the 'familiar' and injecting the Spirit into it, is a great way to reach some people. I'm curious about your take on this--thanks!