

This clip is on espn.com today and you can check out a less blurry clip of it there...But it is of Mike Gundy, head football coach of Oklahoma State University, defending his players from what he feels is unfair criticism by the media...I'm not sure about the article or about the player referred to, but it is nice to see a coach stand up for his "good kids"...In a day and age where we have so glorified sport that it doesn't matter about the character of a person as long as they can perform, its nice to see a coach that sees things differently...In a society that places far more value on atheltic talent than character and integrity, it's nice to see a coach who's values seem to be in order...Enjoy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, I agree... but it was still funny... probably because its funny when someone gets mad wearing a visor... james c.