
Big Things Ahead...

I got to have lunch with a couple great guys today. It was good to share fellowship with some like minded people and to pick their brains about what the church could and should be...Fantastic time...Johanna and I have felt for a while that God is up to big things with us...I'm excited about the future and what that holds...All that today held was a refreshment of that excitement...And I am stoked about some of the possibilities that lie ahead...My biggest goal in life is to live 100% spent for the kingdom...When all is said and done in this life for me, I want my life to have counted. I want heaven to look different because I lived on earth...I want it to be more crowded because of what God used me to do in this place...And as I continue to follow Him and as Jo and I continue to live our lives to the best of His glory, I sense big things on the horizon...And today, God BLEW ME AWAY again with how big He is and how incredible His plan can be...Yep, God's pretty much amazing...And then again, that word doesn't even begin to touch who He is...

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