

Most of the time, I am pretty interested in politics...I am by no means a politcal expert or fanatic, but I keep up with what's going on for the most part...This presidential race has been intriguing to me because I think that without a clear front-runner and with so many candidates who are not your "typical presidential candidate" that maybe some real issues will get addressed...If I were to vote today, my support would probably swing to Guiliani's campaign...But there is a lot of "politicizing" left to do...With that being said, I got this video in an email today and I really like it...Anytime a candidate really stands for what they believe in, I think you have to respect them, regardless of whether you agree or not...In a day and time of wishy-washy, spineless politics it is refreshing to see someone be open and honest about their beliefs in a political race...Plus, I like what Huckabee has to say...It's funny that the moderator in the debate doesn't really like his response (and wasn't prepared for it, I don't think...), but the crowd seems to approve...Check it out:

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