
Amazed (My 200th Post)...

I have been milling over this specific post in my head for a couple days now. Not this actual written blog, but the fact that it is my 200th blog post. I'm really not sure if anyone outside my immediate family and a few close friends read this thing, but I still enjoy it so I've kept at it...For the past couple days I have been wanting to make this a great post since it is a milestone being number 200 and all...I've thought about humorous stories, catchy graphics, and deep thoughts. And I could not come up with anything that fit.

But God did. God provided me with something amazing to blog about...Actually, I am sure that what God did had nothing to do with my blog, but I get the joy of sharing it anyway. Yesterday I asked you all to pray for our students tonight as we presented the gospel in a very plain and understandable way. I asked you to pray that God would literally bring light into dark places. And guess what? He did! We had 6 students accept Christ tonight and begin their journey as Christ-followers! God literally changed lives and changed eternity forever for 6 students tonight...And we won't know until we get to heaven how much the kingdom of God will be changed because of what happened tonight. If you are one of those students, know that I am so happy for you, proud of you, and PUMPED about what God has done and is going to do in your life!

But here is the crazy thing to me - it still amazes me. I asked God to change the lives of students - to use tonight to convince students of his love and his grace for them. Our youth workers prayed for the same thing. I asked you to pray that He would bring light into dark places. And then after we ask, we are blown away that he does it. I think I should expect him to by now...

I was talking with one of our youth workers after the service and we were celebrating how great God is and I said, "I don't know why we are surprised. God loves these students far more than we do." And that is the truth. God loves our lost friends and neighbors far more than we ever could. I hope that you will continue to pray for our students. I also hope you'll pray that God would use you - in the lives of your neighbors, family, and friends - to bring light into dark places. Wow. God is good.

1 comment:

randman said...

Rejoice! Wow!
I wish I could have been there to experience it.
We limit God because we don't ask and expect Him to answer.