The title says it all. Today should be a national holiday. Each year, on a Tuesday in mid-July one of the greatest gifts technology has ever given us is renewed in the form of the newest edition. That's right. I am talking about NCAA Football by EA Sports. It is, hands-down, without-a-doubt, no-question-about-it, the one reason I own an Xbox 360. I like some other games. I'll spend time playing other games from time to time. But nothing in the gaming world compares to my love for NCAA Football. Last night at midnight Jaron picked up a copy at Wal-Mart and we were well into our first game of NCAA 09 by 1:00 AM. This afternoon we are having some "youth staff bonding time" and hooking it up to the projector for some "big-time" fun. I think I may write a letter to the president this week seeing if we can work on swithing this one out with one of those minor national holidays so that people can show their proper respects. Everyone could stay at home to play and all the businesses could be closed - except for the ones that sell the game. Let the sleepless nights, wasted hours, and addiction begin.
How many hours do you think we spent playing that in our apartment? 100? 200?
One of my favorite college stories centers around how I won the largest room in a 3 bedroom house by beating Jeff Scott in a best 4 out of 7 series on NCAA Football (back on the original Playstation).
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