
Do Something...

In my short time at The Connection Church I've quickly come to love our church and our team. I love serving on a team that is constantly looking for ways to do something to make a difference for our community and for others. Check out this post on Cole's blog, our Lead Pastor, to see what I'm talking about.

Our local Hays Area Food Bank is eager to help hurricane evacuees in the area but their shelves are bare. Cole's challenged all of us at TCC to pack the PAC on Sunday morning with food for Hurricane Ike Evacuees in our area. Read his blog post to get more details. Here's a list of what foods are needed:

Canned meats, canned fruits & veggies, mac & cheese, pastas, peanut butter, granola bars, bottled water, cereal, rice & beans, dried milk, baby & infant formula, & soups

So here we go TCC: I'll see ya' at the PAC tomorrow with grocery bags in hand...unless I see you today shopping for stuff at HEB!

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