
Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is a special day in the history of the world. It's my mom's birthday. And without my mom, there'd be no me, so I consider it a special day. My mom has taught me alot over the years. She taught me not to curse by smacking me across the mouth when she heard me swear for the first time. She taught me what "cajun food" tastes like by cooking so many things "blackened." She taught me what discipline was by using a ping-pong paddle on my backside when I needed it growing up. And she's been an absolute unending supply of hilarious sermon illustrations over the years.

In all seriousness, so much of who I am today can be traced back to my mother. My love of serving others, especially those less fortunate, comes from watching my mom constantly seek to serve those whom others overlooked. Any sense of humility and compassion I have comes from watching my mom put others before herself again, and again, and again. My belief in the power of prayer, my belief that all people matter and have value to God, and so many other core values of my faith have their roots in my mom and what she's modeled to me time and time again over the years.

Mom, thanks for helping make me who I am today. I'm honored to call you my mom. The world would be such a better place if their were more mothers like you. Love ya' mom. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Burleson. If you ever get tired of Mr. Burleson, give me a call.

But seriously, thanks for all that free food back in our college days. And for taking turns with my mom in making sure that mine and Nic's apartment was something approaching clean.

Hope your day was a great one!