Dear HEB (or any other supermarket),
I'd like to use my blog let you know exactly what I want and don't want. For starters, I want you store to be laid out in some semblance of logic. Please quit putting half of the cold stuff three feet inside the door so that by the time I check out it's completely thawed. Also, if we could at least get food groups on adjoing rows, that would help greatly. Second, no I do not want any of your basket specials or wow items at the checkout, no matter how great of a buy it may be. I'll pass on the jumbo box of Nerds for 99 cents, the overstocked toothbrushes you haven't been able to sell for months, and the Coconut-Strawberry-Fusia hair conditioner. If I had wanted any of this I would have picked it up at the display you had at the front door...or in any of the other 7 aisles you placed this junk in the middle of througout the store. Thirdly, I also do not want to sign up for any special discount card. No, I do not want to give you every last ounce of my personal information in order to get a keychain card that allows me to save 2.8% on Tuesday mornings from 8 to 8:45 a.m. Thanks for your incredible generosity, but I'll pass. Finally, I also do not want to have to press eighteen buttons just to complete my transaction with my debit card. I slid the card. I typed in my pin number. Do you really have to ask me if the total is ok and if I am sure I want to make this transaction four more times? You've got to be kidding me! It has taken you supermarkets years to screw up the simple process that Mom & Pop grocery stores invented decades ago: I give you my money and you give me your products. Here's what I want: I want you to check out the stuff I've chosen and placed on the check out stand. I want you to do it quickly. And I want you to give me my stuff, my receipt, and my change (if necessary). It really is that simple.
A Customer Who Hopes To One Day Get In & Out of Your Supermarket In Less Than 1 Hour
Amen, except for that I loved HEB over WalMart. Next time, blog about how much I hate Walmart.
agreed....on all accounts....
what poor grammar.
you're brother :)
For those who are not new to Kyle, the people of Kyle have complained (maybe even prayed) for years for the need for a major retailer to come to town (which HEB was the first and their presence has enticed others) and now that they are here, we want to criticise them.
Maybe instead of complaining and waiting for the HEB cashier to say Thank You to us, we should overlook their flaws and say Thank You to them first.
Just my thoughts.
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