
A Little Link Love...

It's been a while since we've had any link lovin' here on the blog. Go check out these great posts and you'll be glad you did!
  • My brother is a little late, but he's finally joined bloggerdom. You can check out his new blog about the experiences in the life of two coaches over at http://www.justinburleson.blogspot.com/

  • Chris Roberts is the new worship leader at Freedom Fellowship in Greer, SC and also happens to be one of my youversion accountability friends on Twitter. He posted a great blog about lessons we can learn from a five year old.

  • Want the secret on innovative growth? Then check out what Pastor Steven Furtick has to say here.

  • In a day and age of where so much of what is done in churches is copycat ministry, Mark Batterson has an excellent post pn Finding Your Voice. Whether you lead a church, a team, a business, or a family, this is a great, quick read. Check it out here.

  • Brad Ruggles suggests that before any of us hit that publish button on our blogs, we ask ourselves this question.

  • Clayton Bell talks about the John and Kate Plus 8 marriage fiasco here. He blogged thoughts that I shared in my living room just the night before. Clayton, are you spying on my conversations? Honestly, I think John and Kate are on the road to Splitsville...I just hope other young couples can learn from their mistakes...and from the wise words Clayton shares.

1 comment:

Clayton Bell said...

I am not spying on your conversations. But you should stop ending your sentences with prepositions...I mean, uh, move along, nothing to see here!