
The Weekend Update...

This weekend was Mother's Day and for our family it took on a new meaning. It was Johanna's first Mother's Day so needless to say it was a special day for us. Here's a recap of the weekend.

  • Spent Friday shopping for clothes for Hayden for his baby dedication at The Connection Church on Sunday and looking for Mother's day cards for Johanna and for our moms. It's amazing how many cards there were in Spanish...none of which helped me at all.
  • On Friday, I realized I could probably get a job writing cards for Hallmark. 97.3% of the cards I picked up and read were terrible.
  • Saturday my parents came in to see us. Ok, who am I kidding. They came to see Hayden. My dad and I made a quick trip to Austin to pick up the necklace I bought Jo for Mother's Day and then we just hung out all day.
  • Sunday was a fantastic morning at TCC. We kicked off our new series Beauty Full. We also showed a video of me hitting our executive pastor, Zak, in the face with french bread. It was our "man moment" of the day. Once this week's video is posted you can check it out here.
  • Sunday was also Baby Dedication at TCC. We dedicated Hayden and basically made the commitment to raise him in a way that honors Jesus and do our best to point him to the love of God. To me, that's the best commitment parents can make. I'm not sure if my parents ever had me "dedicated" but they raised me to have a passion for Jesus and for those who are far from Him and I'm so thankful for that!
  • On a non-weekend-update related matter - If you want to see several pictures of Hayden, you can check out his website. (Yeah, he already had his own website at two day old. He's a balla.) Check it out here.

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