
A Little Link Love...

It's been a while since I've shared some link love here on the blog. Check out the following blogs and websites for some fantastic stuff!

  • Tony McCullom has a message for men...and I couldn't agree more! Check it out here.
  • Ben Arment has some ideas to help your improve your preaching. Seriously, if you preach or teach God's word, this is a MUST READ. Check it out by clicking here.
  • I was completely honored and humbled by this blog from my wife, announcing a recent change in our lives. I get to serve God with the most amazing woman in the world as my partner. Wow.
  • In case you missed it, my brother is now blogging. He is one of the funniest people I know, but instead of devoting his blog to humor, his site is focused on his life and lessons as a basketball coach. If you work with youth, coach sports, teach, or need some great life lessons, check it out.
  • Tony Morgan consistently challenges me with his thoughts on leadership. He did it again with this post on the Four Stages of Leadership.
  • Pastor Steven Furtick shares Elevation Church's church growth strategy here. I like the simplicity of it!
  • Perry Noble shares 5 Questions Every Husband Should Ask His Wife. Great post for men looking to make the most out of their marriage relationship!

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