
KidRidge Weekly Parent Take-Home: Week of July 21st

Spread the Light
KidRidge July 21, 2013

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can’t be hidden.” - Matthew 5:14

Great Commission • Matthew 28:16-20

God is doing something in me to show the world who He is.

In this week’s Bible story, Jesus commanded His followers to go into all the world and tell about God’s love (Matthew 28:16-20). And then we saw how some of those men obeyed and God’s love spread from one town to the next (Matthew 9:35 – 11:1; Acts 1-2, 8-10; The Epistles). What a great reminder from Jesus that we should all be examples of God’s love to others. One great way to be a light and a city on a high hill is to be quick to share the great news that Jesus came to the earth, died on a cross, and rose from the dead so that we could live forever with God! What a wonderful thing God did and what great news to share! Remember, God is doing something in each of us to show the world who He is.
Remember as a parent how it felt after your first child was born? You were so elated! How did you spread the news? Person to person, no doubt! God is developing a story of His love in each of us that we can share, and soon His love can cover the whole world. We taught the KidRidge group this week that God’s light is passed from person to person starting with the people around each one of them. 

This week as a family discuss:

  • What are ways to start to share God with the people around us in our everyday lives?
  • What are ways you could someday tell other places in the world about Jesus? 
  • If you have been on a mission trip of some kind to another nation, share about this experience with your family.
  • How can we spread the Light of Jesus in the community of Stephenville?

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