
Holding The Hand That Holds The World...

So one of the things that I love about Youth Specialties and the NYWC is that they "cast a wide net." There is always a wide variety of speakers and bands and performers to choose from, so you get several perspectives and you also get to hear/see groups that are new to you...For me, one of those groups this past week was the band Starfield...They led worship on Sunday and Monday and I really liked their sound...But more than that, I think that the lyrics to their worship songs were incredible...Here are the lyrics to my favorite one they led this past weekend...It's called "Hold The Hand That Holds The World"...

No greater joy
Is there than this
To know for what
We're meant to live
To hold Your hand
To touch Your face
To find ourselvesIn loves embrace

I want to stand before the King
Join in the song that heaven sings
I want to hold the hand that holds the world

I want to know the mystery
Reach out and touch the majesty
I want to hold the hand tht holds the world

No greater love
Could be bestowed
That You would name us
as your own

Your daughters sing
Your sons rejoice
They gather here
before Your throne

You are, You are
The author of creation
We are, the chrildren of your heart

You are, You are,
The light of all the heaven
We rise, to worship all You are

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