
NYWC Revisited...

So, as promised, here is a brief recap of the NYWC in St. Louis that Johanna and I just returned from. Overall, the experience was incredible! As I posted previously, we come back every year refreshed and renewed with a new sense of hope for this calling that God has given us...We both attended several breakout seminars and got the chance to learn a lot. Johanna went to a couple Tony Campolo seminars on how sociology can shape youth ministry and what evangelism in a post-evangelical world looks like...I attended a conference led by Marcus Goodloe...One of the things he talked about is how we all have preferences and principles...Our preferences can be "violated" and we can get over it, but we have to be men of integrity when it comes to people violating our principles, in ministry and in life...I also attended a session led by MarkO (ysmarko.com) titled, "The Expectations that Killed the Youth Worker." It was great stuff and it was the kind of stuff that makes you examine where your own life/ministry is heading and if you want it to head that way....Another seminar I hit up was the one on Innovative Youth Ministry led by the guys at lifechurch.tv. It was a great seminar and challenged me on the level of innovation I am bringing to ministry...The "big" general sessions were great too...David Crowder band and Shane & Shane rocked! The Skit Guys were hilarious...We were led in worship by some bands that were new to us and that was cool too...Ralph Winter, the producer of the X-Men movies, spoke at one of the sessions and talked about storytelling...Overall, the general sessions were really good.

We also had a little down time...We got to go check out the Arch and went to this cool little park called Forest Park...And we got to hang out with some of our closest friends in ministry...That is always great and always leads to some interesting and fun times...

As I said in a previous post, it is so good to be around family...For a few days in the middle of the country we got to worship and learn and live and share life with 3,500 people who get us...They may not be in the same denomination and may not live anywhere near our state, but we are all family...They know what it's like to get a phone call at 2 AM from a kid who just needs to talk...They know what it is like to deal with unrealistic expectations from some people...They know what it is like to feel misunderstood and unappreciated...They know what it is like to deal with all the "junk" that comes along with ministering to students...But they also know what it is like to see a teenager's life changed by the incredible love of Jesus Christ...And knowing all those things is what makes us family...We have walked in one anothers shoes...We share one another's burdens and struggles and pains...And we share in the joy that is student ministry...And we're family...So I got to spend a few days at the Youth Specialties National Youth Workers' Convention, or in my opinion, at my family reunion.

Stay tuned for my Top 10 Reasons Why Texas is Better Than St. Louis...Hopefully, it's coming later today...

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