
The Weekend Update (Early Edition)...

As soon as our morning church service is over tomorrow, I am leaving on a Mission Trip with a group of my students. We are going to Mission Arlington. If you've never heard of this ministry, check out there website here. I have been working with them for about 10 years now and it is incredible to see the amazing life-change that is taking place in the DFW metroplex because of the ministry of Mission Arlington. But because of that, I am writing the weekend update early. It includes a little that's been done and a little that is still to be done. I should have internet during the week and be able to blog. I'll have some posts pre-set for the week at least. And you can always follow me on twitter (or keep up with what is going on using my twitter feed to the right). So here's what this weekend has and will look like:
  • Spent Friday morning resting and getting some last minute things done for the Mission Trip.
  • Friday afternoon/early evening Johanna and I went on a "day date." I love spending time with my wife! We ate some Red Lobster, did a little shopping for some things I needed for the trip, and watched Get Smart.
  • Today has been filled with lounging around, grabbing some Mexican food for lunch, and watching a marathon of the UFC Ultimate Fighter. In fact, as I write this I am sitting here drinking a Sonic Slush and watching the live finale.
  • Tomorrow will be crazy. We load up and leave right after church. With the caravan we're taking it will take us a good four to five hours to get to DFW. Then we'll get checked into the hotel and spend some time prepping for the week.

1 comment:

Jackie Lura said...

did you not love Get Smart?!?! Clay and I thought it was hystarical!!