
Timber Ridge Christmas Wish List

I've received a couple emails in the past several days from different people who have helped start Timber Ridge Church in our early stage through their generous financial support.  They inquired, as the year is coming to a close, if there were specific needs we have as a church that they could give toward.  That gave me the idea to share a "Christmas Wish List" for Timber Ridge for those who might be interested in giving a year-end gift toward the ministry and work that God is doing with Timber Ridge Church.

Here's our Christmas Wish List:

  • Fresh Start Material:  Every time someone commits their life to Jesus Christ or shows interest in trusting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we offer them a devotional resource that walks them through the basics of a relationship with Jesus.  You can provide a bundle of these materials, which will go into the hands of 6 people, for $15.
  • Two Ipads to be used as Giving Kiosks:  We're rolling out online and mobile giving early in 2012 & we'll be including two kiosks to receive tithes & offerings since we live in such a debit card driven society.  Cost per Ipad: $499
  • Timber Ridge Kids Curriculum:  We are in constant need of new curriculum for our kids ministry areas.  A gift of $30 sponsors a week of kids curriculum and a gift of $120 covers an entire month.
  • Bibles:  We're consistently reaching people who are new to church and thus, who are in need of a Bible.  You can cover the cost of an entire case of Bibles for $48.
  • Mailers:  One of the best marketing tools we've discovered for this area to spread the word about Timber Ridge Church is through mailers.  A year-end gift of $1800 allows us to distribute an invite mailer that covers almost the entire city limits.
  • Outreach Events:  We're constantly finding new ways to reach out to our community with the love and message of Jesus in practical ways.  We do this through things like Family Movie Nights and block parties.  You can provide a partial sponsorship of an outreach event for $35.  Each outreach event only needs 6 partial sponsorships to be fully funded.
  • Invite Cards:  We try to consistently put new, relevant invite cards into the hands of our regular attenders so that they can invite their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.  A gift of $24 covers an entire box of invite cards so that people can find out about Timber Ridge Church.
  • My Best Gift Offering:  This Christmas at Timber Ridge Church we are taking a special offering within the church called My Best Gift.  100% of the offering received for this special offering goes toward our mission of reaching the lost, the least, and the lonely by planting churches, being involved in global missions, and helping local families in need through our benevolence ministry.
These are just a handful of the many ways a year-end gift can make a significant impact and help us continue to see lives changed at Timber Ridge Church.  Every dollar given goes to see lives changed!  If you'd like to make a year-end, tax deductible gift to the ministry of Timber Ridge Church, you can do that in two ways:

  • You may give securely online at www.timberridgechurch.com/give.  If you'd like to designate that gift toward one of the specific needs above, please include that in the note section when you give.
  • You may mail gifts to Timber Ridge Church, P.O. Box 2574, Stephenville, TX 76401.  To designate your gift to one of the above needs, please include that desire with your gift.
Timber Ridge Church would not exist without the generosity and faithfulness of people from all around the state of Texas and the United States.  Those of you who have generously and faithfully contributed to this ministry are a part of seeing lives changed and God's kingdom grow.  THANK YOU for what you do in supporting the ministry and work God is doing in and through Timber Ridge Church!

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