
Stay In The Loop

If you attend Timber Ridge, we want you to be connected, updated, and in the know to all the things God is doing in and through our church. We've got several ways you can stay connected and up to date on all things Timber Ridge!

5 Ways To Stay Connected & Up To Date

#1: Facebook: If you're on Facebook, be sure to go and "like" the Timber Ridge Facebook page found here.  It's a fantastic way to stay connected to all things Timber Ridge.

#2: The App: Yes, we have an app for that!  You can watch videos, connect with us on social media, read the blog, give and more with the Timber Ridge Church App.  Click here to get the app from the iTunes store for iPhone or iPad and click here to download the app in the android market for your phone or tablet.

#3: Twitter: Do you tweet? So do we! Click here to connect with us on twitter.

#4: Text Messaging: You can get updates, reminders, & announcements sent straight to your cell phone (2-3 per week), by texting "timberridge" to 33733 from your cell phone.

#5: Weekly Email Newsletter: We send out a weekly update that includes upcoming events, reminders, and a preview of our upcoming Sunday services each week. If you don't receive the weekly email, click here to sign up. It's a great way to stay connected and in the loop.

So what's keeping you from staying in the loop?  Be sure to take a few seconds now and connect with Timber Ridge via social media, texting, email, and the app so that you'll be able to connect with everything that God is doing at Timber Ridge Church!

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