
The New Timber Ridge Kids Take-Home

Hey Timber Ridge Parents! I am pumped about a great new resource that our kids team is putting into place to help parents get involved in the spiritual growth of their kids. Each week the KidRidge team (grades k-6th) will be posting a weekly review online with ways you can engage your kids with the topic from the previous Sunday.  What a great way to help parents in leading their families spiritually!

Here's the first installment...Check it out!

#1: Watch this video with your kids. Trust me, they will want to see it again! Then read the story of Noah with your kids from the Bible in Genesis 7.  

#2: Talk about it as a Family. 
  • How would the story have changed if Noah would have been talking when he was supposed to be listening to God?
  • Are there times when we talk when we are supposed to be listening?  
  • Think of some times when it is really important to listen.  How can we do a better job as a family of listening to God?
#3:  We talked about four expectations for KidRidge. See how many your kids can name. Here's the cheat sheet if they need some help:
1.  Listen Now, Talk Later
2.  Keep your nametag and wristband on
3.  Put others first
4.  Make a new friend

As a pastor and a parent, I'm so thankful we have a kid's ministry leaders who are helping to make it easier for us to talk about faith with our kids at home! Way to go team!

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