
The Art of The Invite

On Sunday we kicked off a brand new series at Timber Ridge called chURch. Basically, it's all about how the church isn't a place, but a people. It's not a cathedral, but a cause.

The message on Sunday was about how we are called to live out the mission of Jesus as individuals. If we are the church, we have a mission. You can watch the video of the message by clicking here.

One of the things I mentioned in the sermon is that we can bless others by being a person who invites others to church, where they can experience the love & hope of Jesus. At Timber Ridge, we've tried to make that easy by providing invite cards that people can use to invite friends & neighbors to join them at church.

In light of that, here are some easy ways to use an invite card & invite others to be your guest at church.

9 Ways To Invite People To Church
  1. Bake some cookies for a neighbor and hand out an invite card when you deliver the baked goodies.
  2. Leave a generous tip at your favorite restaurant, along with an invite card.
  3. Tape an invite card to hand warmers and drop them off to a crew that is working outdoors on a cold day in your community.
  4. Pay for the order of the person in line behind you at the drive-thru of your favorite coffee shop or fast food place and leave an invite card for them.
  5. Have a free garage sale and hand invite cards out to people as they "shop."
  6. Hand out bottled water to the parents at your kid's next sports game or practice and attach an invite card to each bottle.
  7. Offer to mow your neighbors yard or trim there trees. When they ask you why you'd do such a thing, let them know you just want to serve them because Jesus gave us an example of serving others. And give them an invite card to join you on Sunday.
  8. Drop off a box of donuts at a local business in the morning and attach some invite cards to the box.
  9. Buy lunch for a co-worker and when you go to lunch, give them an invite card and ask them to join you on Sunday.
Let's be honest: It can be pretty intimidating to invite someone to church. But it can also be pretty impacting. You never know what God wants to do in the life of your friends & neighbors...and how he can use YOU to be a part of that!

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