
20 Things I'm Thankful For - Day 1...

I'm starting a new series of blog posts today that will continue through Thanksgiving weekend. Each day I'm choosing thankfulness and will be posting something or someone I'm thankful for. You can check out the thoughts behind the idea here.

Today to kick things off I'm choosing to be thankful for a healthy baby boy. My son, Hayden Russell Burleson, turned 6 months old last week. He has forever changed my life. He makes me want to be a better man, a better pastor, a better husband, and a better friend...all because I know he's watching every single move I make.

Several years ago I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and underwent surgery to remove the tumor. The damage done to my pituitary gland has several affects on my body. When my wife and I talked to my doctor about having a child and the affects of what that tumor did to my body, my doctor literally laughed at the idea that we even thought it was a possibility.

Fast forward less than a year and Johanna is pregnant with Hayden. Within 16 months of that doctor's laughter, we welcomed a healthy, strong, incredible baby boy into our lives. And after 6 months, we haven't done anything to screw him up yet! At his 6 month appointment last week we were told we have a strong, healthy, growing son. And I thank God EVERY DAY for the blessing of His gift to us.

What are you thankful for today? Being thankful can change your entire outlook on life!

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