
Real Men Lead Courageously

We are in the middle of a series at Timber Ridge Church called MANSWERS: Answering The Questions Men Face.  Yesterday I talked about how Jesus is our model for what it means to be a real man.  We talked about how Jesus was both a shepherd and a warrior.  You can watch the message online HERE.

This week on the blog, I'm going to be following up on the characteristics of a shepherd and a warrior that Jesus modeled for us as men.  Each day, I'll share one characteristic we talked about on Sunday and give some practical insight into how to apply this trait to our lives as men.

The first characteristic of a shepherd is that shepherds LEAD COURAGEOUSLY.  In the Bible, in John 10:3-4, we see that Jesus modeled for us that shepherds are called to lead.  As men, we are called to lead.  God's given each of us a circle of influence - at work, in our neighborhood & community, and in our families - where we're called to lead courageously in order to impact others for the good of God's kingdom.

So what does it look like to lead courageously?  We lead by example.  That's what leadership essentially is.  Here are three areas you need to set the example to lead:
  1. LEAD BY SERVING. - Men, you set the example for your family when it comes to involvement in your local church.  Are you setting the example of serving God?  Your children learn by what you do.  Are they seeing you  serve God faithfully?
  2. LEAD BY SPENDING TIME WITH GOD. - Men, are you spending time with God - through prayer and reading His word - on a daily basis?  Your family needs to see you model this.
  3. LEAD IN FAMILY FAITH ACTIVITIES. - Men, what are you doing to lead your family spiritually?  Are you praying with your wife?  Are you praying for your children?  Are you spending time sharing God's Word with your kids?  
Men - we are called to lead courageously.  Go out this week and take the lead!

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